Data entry and resources website

On this website you will be able to:

Enter results data for children who have been supported by these interventions

  • Numbers Count
  • 1stClass@Number
  • Success@Arithmetic
  • Talk 4 Number

The data you submit is held securely.

You will also be able to download reports which summarise the data you have entered. Please note the data entry and reporting deadlines below.

Access the resources to support the courses for which you have been trained

To request access to the system on behalf of your school, please complete and submit this form: Request school access form

Schools that have provided entry and exit data, please note that Annual reports for 2023-2024 are now available for download.

ECC data entry deadlines 2024-25

Data to be entered by Report online by
Interim Report 21.02.2025 7.03.2025
Annual Report 26.09.2025 10.10.2025